Category: wellness

Jul20th 2022

Having A Desk Job Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Be Physically Active!

We see a lot of hardworking patients at our physical therapy clinic who want to advance in their careers and provide for their families, but it’s difficult to do so when you’re dealing with an injury. Unfortunately, many people eventually realize that their job’s sedentary nature has a direct impact on their health and productivity.

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Jul11th 2022

Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Surgery After A Sports Injury

A sports injury can happen to anyone, whether they are professional or an amateur athlete. People who have just started exercising or participating in sports on a recreational level are often the most vulnerable to sports injuries. In this article, sports injuries are defined as injuries to the musculoskeletal system, which includes muscles, bones, and

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Feb20th 2022

Not Feeling Your Best? Proper Nutrition Can Help!

In your daily struggle against pain and inflammation, are you reaching for a pill bottle, or are you looking for a healthy lifestyle change? That latter choice will do more for you in terms of long-term function, mobility, and safety. But what kinds of lifestyle changes should you pursue? In addition to regular exercise, including

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