Category: pain and inflammation

Pain & Inflammation treatment in Jefferson City, Tennessee Nov10th 2023

Change Your Diet and Change Your Life!

Inflammation is a natural defense mechanism that the body employs to keep itself safe and promote recovery. During the inflammatory response, your body produces more white blood cells. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can be harmful to one’s health. Inflammation that persists can result in discomfort, swelling, and redness in the affected areas. It

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Feb10th 2023

True Pain Relief Without Drugs Can Be Found Through Physical Therapy

You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts three months or longer, usually indicates the presence of an underlying illness that requires treatment. While medicine can help to conceal discomfort in the short term, it will not provide long-term relief. Non-pharmaceutical pain treatment is

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How Physical Therapy Can Help Mar20th 2021

How Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Your Arthritis Pain (Without Opioids!)

Arthritis pain is one of the most frustrating types of pain. It is chronic, it is intense, and it can interfere with just about everything that you like to do throughout the day, from reducing your grip strength to making it difficult to shift between sitting and standing. There are many different types of medications

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