Category: Exercise

Sep20th 2023

The Importance of Wearing Weightlifting Shoes

You must maintain a high level of fitness if you are an athlete or someone who enjoys a lot of exercises. This necessitates relying on strong core muscles to stabilize our bodies and allow us to perform at our best. The squat is one of the most important exercises for core strength. This appears to

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Physical Therapy Sep10th 2023

Are You An Athlete Prepping For Fall Sports? Physical Therapy Can Help!

Before we know it, it’ll be autumn, and with the cooler season will come something many of us love to participate in fall sports! Everyone who is heavily involved in athletics knows that one thing is for sure, with physical activity also comes the risk of injury. Our strongly encourages athletes prepping or fall sports

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Aug20th 2022

7 Exercises To Improve Your Golf Swing

Do you love a good game of golf? Golfing is a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. It is also a great way to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your trunk and hips. However, golf can also lead to some undesirable injuries if you are not careful. Fortunately,

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